Life Coach Self-Care

Sefl-Care Week – Day 1

Self-Care Day 1 Morning Ritual

Self-Care Week – Day 1 Morning Ritual

Most mornings I have a mocha smoothie in this very large mug. This smoothie is part of my morning and the crazy mug I painted with my daughters makes me smile too! Every morning I plan my meals for the day, set my goals, journal, and prepare for the day and I value this time so much. I am a big planner and recovering to-do list maker (I’ll talk about that in another post). I find taking this time each morning puts me in a good frame of mind and saves me time throughout the day because I have planned. For self-care week – day 1, I wanted to show you how I use my morning to set up my day.

This is my morning self-care.

As Self-Care Week continues…

Make sure you follow me on Instagram to see what else I do for self-care. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my email list on the home page and I’ll keep you up to date on all the new and amazing things I’ll be doing!

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